Ok, so just a quick warning, this is a bit of a personal post, purely for fun, and just because I wanted to!
This year I thought I would start the New Year a little differently, with a personal challenge to myself. I have to admit that since I’ve taken up photography as a full time, paying career, that I’ve got just a little lazy about taking photos for my own personal pleasure and satisfaction – but I’ve also noticed that it’s something I’ve missed too – I love the creative side of photography, the opportunity to explore my surroundings, to capture thoughts and feelings – of others or my own – and as a way to express myself, so I’ve decided to take some time out every day to do this just for me – but you’re welcome to come along on the journey if you fancy it – if you’re feeling really brave then the list is on my Facebook page and you could even join in with me! I’d love to see your photos too, and your interpretation of the daily subject.
I’m not too sure how this is going to go either! I’ve watched other facebook friends participate in various daily, weekly, monthly or even 365 day photo challenges, and have always been hugely impressed with their beautiful photos and creative interpretation of the themes, but I’ve also often sat there and thought ‘I’d never be able to do that/think of that’, feeling slightly jealous of their creativity too!
And I have no idea of whether this is even something I should really be including on my business website or not – you may all decide I’m ever so slightly mad and never want to let me near you with a camera ever again, who knows! So, if you have an opinion, either way, please do comment on these posts – I really would love to know what you think – if nothing else I’ll know I’m not just talking to myself!
So, today’s theme is:
Like most everyone, I usually spend a bit of time on New Year’s Eve thinking back over the past year, and wondering about the new one just ahead of us. I can’t say that I ever write any real resolutions down, as such, but I do have lots of thoughts and hopes for the coming year.
So when I saw the theme for today’s image it kind of reminded me that while I may have lots of hopes, plans and dreams for the coming year, I still need to remember to take time to enjoy every one of the 365 ‘today’s’ that my year will be made up of.
In a busy life it’s so easy to get caught up in all the ‘musts’ – must do, must see, must go, must have… the list can be endless and you can quickly get buried under it all. But this year, I want to remember to stop and take time out somewhere, every day, just for today.
So for ‘TODAY’ I’ve chosen an image of a counted cross stitch picture I’ve been working on for just about forever, of a Thai dancer in traditional costume. It’s my own personal reminder to take a little time today, for something special, – to savour a moment – maybe a conversation with one of my kids, or a walk with the dog, a cup of tea with a friend, a quiet time, a bike ride, or maybe to bake the family some cakes, or maybe even to put a few more stitches into this picture…..
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